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Argentinische Nacht mit Sabina Mina & Helen Hahmann
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Sin aire no hay fuego – ein nächtlicher Talk über das argentinische Community Radio FM La Tribu, das Experiment verbogene Schallplatten aufzulegen und ein wackeliges Taschenlampen-Licht nach Ushuaia zu Sounartist Joaquin Cofreces gerichtet. A nightly serenade about the argentinian community radiostation FM La Tribu, a handful of rare vinyl records spread out over the revolten-turntables, a direct line to sound and radio artist Joaquin Cofreces, talking to us from the southernmost city in the world. Conversamos sobre la radio communitaria FM La Tribu ubicado en Buenos Aires desde el año 1989. Presentamos grabaciones de campo publicado por el Instituto Nacional de Musicologia „Carlos Vega“. Escuchamos obras del artista argentina Joaquin Cofreces y conversamos con él via Skype.
Sabina Mina is a radioactivist from FM La Tribu in Buenos Aires. She works as radiotechnician, radiocoordinator and international multiplicator in the field of community radio. Helen Hahmann runs the music-show TINYA on Radio CORAX in Halle since 2005. She´s a CORAX board member and projectcoordinator since 2009.
You can listen to the show in the Radio Revolten Audioarchive here.
FM 99.3 MHz
MW 1575 kHz,