Ed Baxter was a 2013 BASCA Composer of the Year. He is the co-founder of Resonance FM and an Associate Lecturer at London College of Communication. His recent works include “Heart Like a Duck” (2016) featuring Tom Graham; “The Death Of Kodak” (2015), featuring Rodney Earl Clarke; “Score for Open Heart Surgery on Charlie Watts” (2014), featuring Tam Dean Burn; “Sketches for Ascent And Descent” (2014), featuring Dudley Sutton; “Songs of Dissolution and Practicality” (2013), featuring Sam Lee; and “No Such Object” (with Chris Weaver) at Edinburgh International Festival (2012). Baxter curated Gone with the Wind at Raven Row, London (2011), featuring work by Max Eastley, Takehisa Kosugi and Walter Marchetti. He always works collaboratively, typically adopting the role of writer, arranger, director and/or producer – and only rarely performing on stage himself.
Ed Baxter

Events of Ed Baxter
Ed Baxter - ResonanceFM: Radiokunst aus LondonEd Baxter - ResonanceFM: Radiokunst from London (Part 2)
Opening Event: Radio Revolten und Werkleitz Festival 2016 - featuring Resonance Radio Orchestra
Resonance Radio Orchestra