Veranstaltungen für 25. October 2016
Conference of the European section of AMARC, the World Association of Community Broadcasters
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Broadcasts from artist John Duncan's live experimental music show 'Cross Radio'.
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Tim and Frauke present their huge collection of screw nuts.
Mehr erfahren »13:00
Talk with Andre Hüttner Also on Radio Corax 95,9 FM
Mehr erfahren »13:50
'Petro-subjectivity' is a live on air performance by Fari Bradley (using sounds recorded in Halle, inspired by the protest poem Standard Oil Company by Pablo Neruda). https://faribradley.co.uk
Mehr erfahren »14:30
Surprises, catastrophes, radio art. 14.30 Ralf Wendt – Art For Animals
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Anna Friz & Konrad Korabiewski present The Remote Series – experimental music formed by landscape. A project by Skálar FM, Iceland and ABC radio, Australia.Part 1.
Mehr erfahren »17:00
Marold Langer-Philippsen broadcasts his oracle radio live from the former tower-warden's flat of the Marktkirche. Every day from 5-6pm on 99.3 FM, before and after on www.radioradar.eu
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One artist (or group) alone in the studio with two hours of time. Today: John Bisset
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Scottish radio artist and Radiophrenia head honcho Mark Vernon brings his mix of idiosyncratic documentary and live electronics to the Radio Revolten Klub stage.
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Ralf Wendt (Halle) and Marold Langer-Philippsen (Berlin)
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Sin aire no hay fuego – ein nächtlicher Talk über das argentinische Community Radio FM La Tribu, das Experiment verbogene Schallplatten aufzulegen und ein wackeliges Taschenlampen-Licht nach Ushuaia zu Sounartist...
Mehr erfahren »2:00
02.00 Anders-Stimmen by AGF (Antye Greie) 02.48 BUTHAN LANDSCAPES von Lilian Zaremba 03.10 Shanghai Radio Diary von Bruno Pisek 04.04 We Take Nothing For Granted – On the Building of...
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