Lucinda Guy is co-founder and artistic director of community station Soundart Radio in South Devon, UK. She opens up spaces in radio to allow new connections to happen, training and mentoring hundreds of people to find their radio voice. Her radio compositions are unscripted, and incorporate hymns, folksongs, metaphysical concepts, found texts and half remembered dreams. She graduated in music, specialising in voice, from Dartington College of Arts, and lives and works with her partner Chris Booth and their four children in rural Devon.
Lucinda Guy
Events of Lucinda Guy
Lucinda GuyLucinda Guy LIVE
A Ritual for Revolten with Lucinda Guy
Lucinda Guy - Soundart Radio: Radiokunst from Devon
Audio of Lucinda Guy
1st Ocotber: Swimming in the Stream - Lucinda Guy LIVE14th October: Swimming in the Stream II - Lucinda Guy LIVE in the Studio
23rd October: Swimming in the Stream III - Lucinda Guy
29th October: Cardiacs Special - Lucinda Guy & Chris Weaver
30th October: A Ritual for Radio Revolten - Lucinda Guy LIVE
29th October: Karen Power presents