Marold Langer-Philippsen, born in Munich, lives in Bratislava and sometimes Berlin. He works as radio/media artist, director, performer, stage designer and musician in the fields of time based arts with special attention to public space and live broadcast.
His radio works were created for Public Broadcast Stations (ORF/BR), Ars Electronica Linz (2002, 2010) and ongoing for community radios in Europe. Among his works are “KEUNERLAND48hrs”, a performance, much-hour radio program, landscape game, station drama, immersive theater and soup kitchen about 4 deserted Ukrainians in the public space of Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia (2014);
“RFE/RL reloaded”, series of performances, semester exercises, radio live streams and a conference about exile and propaganda in the history of the RADIO FREE EUROPE in Munich, Germany (2012-14); “PARADISELOST”, a series of 12 parts for Kunstradio(ORF – Austrian Public Broadcast) in collaboration with european radio artists about lost paradises nowadays (2012/13); “radiomaya”, a breakfast radio at transmediale2010 – about utopia and dystopia and the end of the mayan
calendar in 2012, Berlin, Germany (2010); “romatransport”, a transportation of prisoners – making visible the situation of Roma and Sinti nowadays and in the past, Halle, Germany (2009); “RAETERADIO”, proclamation of the REPUBLIC OF COUNCILS 1918/2008, 12 hours live-broadcasting on public space and archive, KURT-EISNER-AWARD 2008 for political arts, Munich, Germany (2008).
Marold Langer-Philippsen