Favourite Dialogue:
Darf ich mir Kaffee nehmen?
Monika: Nein, das mach ich schon.
Groß oder klein?
– Klein bitte.
Milch? Zucker?
-Nur Milch bitte.
Na da! Bitte!
– Dankeschön.
Was Süßes dazu?
– Hm. Vielleicht…
This basic German coffee ordering conversation was learned by actually everyone who visited the café so kindly and relaxingly reigned by Corax member Monika Heinrich and Revolten artist Marcus Heesch. As a rule, no one was allowed to self-serve. Instead, a neat pretty white cup on a neat white saucer came on the table. Very often there was also cake, on lucky days (easy if you go there anyway everyday) really elaborate (quince! marzipan!) sorts. It was a place to work, chat, take a nap, hang-over cures and meetings.
Three days ago Marcus sent me his favorite overheard quotes from RR people and friends:
Wenn ‘s schief geht, war ‘s trotzdem richtig.
3.10., HELEN
Manchmal läuft ‘s, aber dann meistens nich’.
3.10., MONIKA
I’m French, but not in the morning.
Ich bin hart im Nehmen… und im Geben.
9.10., MONIKA
– Was für ‘n Kaffee willst’n… ‘n kleinen oder ‘n großen?
– ‘n riesigen!
Chris [Weaver] spricht nur englisch, ich sprech’ kein Deutsch.
16.10., MONIKA
Ich bin Monika, wenn Monika nicht da ist.
16.10., MARCUS
– Ich fahr’ heute nach Hause.
– Wie, für immer?!
16.10., MARCUS – JULIA
Weißt du, ich dachte so an Gleichberechtigung… aber da hört ja die
Freundschaft auf.
21.10., HELEN
Tim’s English is fine… I mean his technical English.

Yesterday, on request of many many people, Marcus also sent the recipe for his self-made bread sticks that saved countless artists from starvation during the festival:
1 kg wheat flour wholemeal
½ cube of organic[!] yeast
ca. 650-850 ml handwarm water
1 spoon of salt
½-1 teaspoon of powdered blue fenugreek
1 jealoustick = ca. 90 gr. dough + seeds
[e.g. sunflowerseed, hempseed, sesame, poppyseed, linseed, buckwheat etc.]
bake at max. 180° C