Sirens with Copper Wigs

3. Okt. 22:10
What’s the difficulty in writing about sound – or music? the difficulty is the word „about“. Listening to both concerts this evening I feel touched, moved, permeated or tickled. Images turn up in my mind as I watch Joyce Hinterding moving about with the wiry „copper wigs“. I think about my mother now in chemo therapy and how she loved going to the hairdresser every fortnight… I hear the sound of sirens maybe and also think of sirens as beautiful women drifting by on a boat on a blazing ocean in sun set. Maybe there is the drone of church bells and maybe it is something completely else. Maybe it is hunger or longing.

The field of music extends into the world of matter and thoughts in very individual ways. Asking people to explain what they are doing does not help the listening experience. Listening is more like a dream state. Daily encounters, talks, images surface and mingle with the surrounding darkness.

With Dinah Bird and Jean-Phillipe Renoult my glance is attracted to the white dots on his T-shirt. They slowly dance as his fingers move over his instrument. I remember having once seen Allen Ginsberg playing his harmonium in Vienna, it was very very slow and I think at that time I didn’t think it was beautiful.
All the while I contemplate on the light waves shining back from Dinah’s screen that illuminate her face somewhere over the rainbow. Dogs bark, bees hum, bells chime. The scent of loneliness is manmade, I think, this is why you are never lonely with music.