
14th October: 17:00 – 21:00
15th and 16th October: 14:00 – 19:00

with Víctor Mazón Gardoqui
in Radio Revolten Zentrale
Admission: 85 Euros per person / concessions 70 Euros (material costs only – if you want to join without building a device to take away you are welcome to attend for free)
Number of participants: max. 12
Language: English
Registration: email by 12th October

The workshop is aimed at participants interested in sound, transmission, radio art, radio history, acoustics, perception, field recordings, experimental & communicative processes, and dedicated artists, musicians, sound designers, performers, hackers, DIY enthusiasts and curious minds.
No electronic or sound skills are needed to perform these experiments and every experiment can be realized with the specific electronics provided in the workshop, a fine tip soldering iron and the T/T device.
The workshop will introduce the participants to audio sonification techniques, active listening and optimal signal reception of radio signals that our senses can´t perceive, covering theoretical and practical topics related to the meanings of transmission, the power of sharing information, radio history, construction of electronic devices and establishing guidelines for experimental transmission techniques.
The workshop will give participants a vast amount of knowledge, unique audio recordings and hours of further experimentation.
During the workshop attendees will have the chance to build a dedicated T/T device and different sensors that they can keep afterwards.
At the end of the workshop, all built modules will be tested and adjusted for proper operation, culminating in a collective installation, performance or broadcast.

More information will be announced on Víctor Mazón Gardoquis Website.