Veranstaltungen für 23. October 2016
October 20th - 23rd Conference Venue: Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Hallescher Saal, Universitätsring 5, 06108 Halle The Federal Association of Free Radios (BFR) invites with Radio Corax for Future Workshop...
Mehr erfahren »12:00
GHOST TRACKS: RADIO Ghost Tracks - the hidden tracks of the urban space - are traces left by ghosts when they visit the present: „Like ghosts once came from the...
Mehr erfahren »13:00
Wie würdet ihr das nennen, was wir gerne hätten?
Mehr erfahren »14:00
Marold Langer-Philippsen invites into his radio studio in the Hausmannstürme. Requested sacrificial offering: sounding objects of every shape.
Mehr erfahren »17:00
Marold Langer-Philippsen broadcasts his oracle radio live from the former tower-warden's flat of the Marktkirche. Every day from 5-6pm on 99.3 FM, before and after on www.radioradar.eu
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One person alone in the studio. Today: Miyuki Jokiranta with ABC Soundproof works.
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An evening full of surprises: first the participants of the “Hand Made Radio Art”-workshop present their without big effort created audio play – hand and mouth made, live and on...
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The resonant sound of cattle grids being struck by cars, also their subsequent reverberations. In the background, between cars, is the sound of birdsong. A field recording by John Drever...
Mehr erfahren »23:00
Absolute Value of Noise in the night. Peter Courtemanche on air.
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