Handmade Radio Art
20:32, 23 Okt. A single loudspeaker stands on a table, nicely illuminated by a spotlight. What are we to expect from this… a single speaker? Alessandro Bosetti and Anne Laure...
20:32, 23 Okt. A single loudspeaker stands on a table, nicely illuminated by a spotlight. What are we to expect from this… a single speaker? Alessandro Bosetti and Anne Laure...
Alessandro Bosetti presents two of his voicing audio plays: “Family Mafia” & “Guryong—Voice as trash”
18. Oct, 20:30 Minigolf by Alessandro Bosetti . Produktion: DLR/Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart/Radio 2014 (Translation follows) Es mag ein wenig peinlich sein es zuzugeben, aber während der gesamten Dauer von Alessandro Bosettis...
Alessandro Bosetti presents two of his voicing audio plays: Family Mafia Guryong—Voice as trash
with Alessandro Bosetti and Anne-Laure Pigache in the Radio Revolten Zentrale Admission: free Number of participants: max. 12 Language: english (german) Registration until 19th October under info@radiorevolten.net also on 22nd...
21st October – 23rd October 2016, from 10:00 until 18:00 with Alessandro Bosetti and Anne-Laure Pigache in the Radio Revolten Zentrale Admission: free Number of participants: max. 12 Language: english...
An evening full of surprises: first the participants of the “Hand Made Radio Art”-workshop present their without big effort created audio play – hand and mouth made, live and on...
Seven Voices, a room, a microphone. No edits, no post-production. Alessandro Bosetti composes sound art without a safety net. A peephole narrows and likewise sharpens the vision. Where can an...