
6th October: Performance by Ilia Rogatchevski and Laura Michelle Smith at Radio Revolten Klub

Steve Bates
Let there be volume! And volume happened! And it was wonder-full! Here come the “quick-notes”; the interview made after his concert will follow soon on this blog. 6. Oct. 21:12...

Fifty Hertz Bells
6. Okt. 20:34 Fifty Hertz: Experiments in the Modulation of Utility Frequenzies and Earth Radio: Notes taken during the concert Ilia Rogatchevski & Laura Michelle Smith This drizzly 6th of...

6th October: Steve Bates in the Radio Revolten Klub

Sufi Radio
7. Okt. reflecting on an evening on the 5th., written on the 6th, 19:50 There is a slightly eerie feeling when little machines move about the floor, making slurring noises...

Rain Motors
15:00 6. Okt. 2016 Yesterday I had a talk with Peter Courtemanche. He doesn’t like the idea of attaching his art works to animals but this is probably one of...
6th October: Lucinda & Chris from Soundart Radio about Radio Art in rural environment

5th October: Performance by Fernando Godoy M & Rodrigo Ríos Zunino at Radio Revolten Klub

Microwave Meringues 2
As promised, here comes the talk with Kristen, Jeff and Anna from 3rd. Oct. – I understand that the three of you never played together. Can you tell me about...
(de) Der Radiosammler
Sorry, this entry is only available in German.
6th October: XRRB with Anna Friz
Tonight’s Guests: Jeff Kolar & Rodrigo Ríos Zunino
5th October: Fernando Godoy M & Rodrigo Ríos Zunino LIVE in Radio Revolten Klub

4. Oktober: Anna Friz, Jeff Kolar & Kristen Roos im Radio Revolten Klub
(de) Ich wollt einmal am Sender steh’n
Sorry, this entry is only available in German.
5th October: Sophea Lerner about her project “Delhi Listening Group”
5th October: Jeff Kolar & Sally Ann McIntyre on Radius

Mikrowave Meringues 1
5. Okt in hindsight: 20:30, 4th Okt. What had happened in my dream was a shift from soap to pizza, a subconscious beatification of the smell that evaporated from Kristen...

Cat dreams & Breathers
Okt 5: 9:34 Nine black cats follow a grey cat through a gothic shaped door into a derelict building after me and Augustin (my grey cat) had looked at three...
4th October: Post performance talk Anna Friz & Jeff Kolar & Kristen Roos

3rd October: Joyce Hinterding & David Haines im Radio Revolten Klub

3rd October: DinahBird & Jean-Philippe Renoult in the Radio Revolten Klub
4th October: Sophea Lerner & Emmanuel Madan LIVE in the Studio

Sirens with Copper Wigs
3. Okt. 22:10 What’s the difficulty in writing about sound – or music? the difficulty is the word „about“. Listening to both concerts this evening I feel touched, moved, permeated...

Everything Spins…
Okt. 3, 15:26 A short talk with Rodrigo Ríos Zunino – You just said 360° was about satellites… and failures… Yes. There was an invitation by Anna Friz to Fernando...
3rd October: DinahBird & Jean-Philippe Renoult LIVE in Radio Revolten Klub
3rd October: Joyce Hinterding & David Haines LIVE im Radio Revolten Klub

Marold’s Chorus
14:00, 3. Oktober These days I keep thinking about a haiku that goes a bit like this: “Umbrellas – in endless numbers! – hesitantly move up the road.” (Don’t count...

2nd October: Werkleitz Festival 2016 Trans-Positionen: Opening of the Audioscopic Research Archive

2nd October: Opening of the Radio Revolution Zentrale

2nd October: opening tour – Station: Alte Physik with »Changing of the Guard« from Knut Aufermann

2nd October: through the Radio Revolten exhibitions – Station: Moritzburg with »Aeriology« from Joyce Hinterding

Das Große Rauschen 2
21:30 “The Arthur Craven Memorial Boxing Match”, also written by Ed Baxter, is actively on stage. The text is spoken by Emilia Portaluppi, Daniel Villar, Rodrigo Rios and Carmen Gonzalez....

Das Große Rauschen 1
16:20 The house is filled with whispers, drones and hums, the doors in this corridor open to the exhibitions of the Radiorevolten festival. At this point in time, not yet...

2nd October: opening tour – Station: Stadtmuseum “Unsichtbare Wellen”

2. Oktober: Eröffnungsrundgang – Station: Botanischer Garten

2nd October: opening tour – Station: Red Tower with Installation’s from Sarah Washington »In the Air We Share« and Anna Friz »The Envelope of the Hour«
2nd October: Exhibition airing
Das Radio verfolgt den Eröffnungsrungang der Radio Revolten mit seinen Mitteln. Die Stationen sind: 10.00 Botanischer Garten 12.00 ehem. Physikalisches Institut 13.00 Anna Friz über ihre Installation im Roten Turm:...

Into the Green
10:00 Botanischer Garten, a tour to the works of Peter Courtmanche near the “systematic plots” and Hartmut Geerken in the hot houses. From a rambling bush thin branches reach out...

“… those whale songs!”
1. Okt. 18:30 On the market the people are drifting by, eddies build around the stands, not only by the rain water. In the air too, eddies are forming… „Well...

1. Oktober: opening fanal: Rochus Aust and the 1. Deutsche Stromorchester on the marked place

30th September: Press conference at Rathausstraße 3

1st October: Opening Event: Radio Revolten und Werkleitz Festival 2016 – featuring Resonance Radio Orchestra
1st October: Opening Event Radio Revolten and Werkleitz Festival 2016 – featuring Resonance Radio Orchestra
1st October: Artist Talk
with Dinah Bird, Maya Urstad, Kristen Roos, Jean-Philippe Renoult, Sally Ann McIntyre and Sarah Washington

Radiorevolten Opening
Halle / Dream 8:30, 1. Okt. 2016 The morning is wet and fresh, the asters are dripping with rain, the sky is promising drizzle. Last night I crawled with the...
1st Ocotber: Swimming in the Stream – Lucinda Guy LIVE
Live Performance by Lucinda Guy – Soundart Radio (Devon)

1st October: The Radio Revolten start broadcasting
1st October: Opening Broadcast Radio Revolten Radio
At the sound of midnight Radio Revolten Radio will spring to life, with a late night round of cheers by festival artists, guests, workers and curators.

August: cleanup in the Rathausstraße

Radio Gardening
13th of August, a suitcase with David’s Harp, German iris and Turkish sage, a bag filled with oregano, wild strawberries and woodruff are being sorted in the radio garden. The...

The Radio Revolten diary
From 1st of October 2016 you will find here daily missives of our own festival blogger Gabi Schaffner, who as a photographer, author and radio artists herself is perfectly suited...